Announcement is a short functional text which consist of facts, event, or intentions, which are delivered in oral or written.
The function of announcement is to let everyone know what has happened and what will happen in the future. Information will give information to public or just to small number of us.
There are some important parts of announcement that should be understood by the user or the person who will give an announcement.
1) The title of Announcement
There is a title for an announcement but sometimes people do not put a title. The title of the announcement will tell the audience or reader what the announcement about. 82 For example: “Open Day”, Enterpreneur Day”, “English Speech Contest”, “Saturday-Sunday Super Camp”
2) Day, Date, and time
Day, date, and time will inform when the event, for instance, take place. For example: Day : Wednesday Date : 17th of August 2020 Time : 09.00 am
3) Place
The statement of place of event will tell the reader where the event take place. For example: Sport Hall, Meeting Room, Scout Camp
4) Contact Person
The contact person name and number usually stated so that the audience or reader who are interested in the event will be easier to know or join the event. For example: Hafiz, class 7A Phone number: 0123456789
5) Addressee
The addressee is the subject to whom the announcement for. For example:
To All Students,
To All Camps Participants,
To All Parents.
Language features usually used in announcement text are simple present tense and simple future tense. For example:
· Due to some technical problems, the show will be postponed....
· We apologize for the inconvenience
· There will be a meeting on ....
· Please come on time and...
(sumber: Buku Unit Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Teks Khusus)
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